More Health Benefits of the Pritikin Program

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea

About 40 million Americans suffer chronic health issues related to long-term sleep deprivation. At Pritikin, physicians who are experts in sleep evaluation and treatment help guests stop storing and/or get control of other sleep-robbers, like sleep apnea. The result for many has been the return to a long, restful night’s sleep, and stunning improvement in well being.

Snoring & Sleep Apnea Articles

Arthritis Pain Relief

Aching, throbbing, sharp pain. However you describe it, arthritis hurts. As yet, there’s no cure for the disease, but recent research has found that lifestyle changes can significantly lessen pain and discomfort. Of particular benefit is losing excess weight, regular exercise, and relaxation training. All are hallmarks of the Pritikin Program.

Arthritis Pain Relief Articles

Stop Smoking

You’ll be immersed in a customized program to optimize success. Pritikin is the ideal place to quit smoking. You’re free of familiar triggers, and your healthy new lifestyle will help keep weight in check. “Pritikin should be sold out on its smoking program alone,” says Pritikin alum and ex-smoker Charles Krobot. “I know of no other program where people can stop smoking and lose weight at the same time.”

Smoking Cessation Articles

Stress Management

Everyone wants more happiness and less stress. Working with psychologists, you will learn how to maximize your stress hardiness, cope with high-risk situations, make the most of relationships, fend off the blues, and more. “I used to think that everyone, as they got older, got sadder, sicker, and more troubled,” says Pritikin alum Monty Preiser. “But with Pritikin, I’ve realized life really can be fun again.”

Stress Management Articles

Reduce Cancer Risk

Many cancers, including epidemic ones like lung, breast, and prostate, are linked to the way we live. Lifestyle factors like controlling weight, avoiding tobacco, eating healthfully, and exercising regularly offer powerful means of reducing risk. Recently, for example, scientists at UCLA discovered in lab settings that the Pritikin Program actually induced prostate and breast cancer cells to die.

Reduce Cancer Risk Articles

Disease Prevention

A health vacation at the Pritikin Center lays the foundation for a lifetime of good health and disease prevention. You’ll lose weight without feeling hungry, regain your vitality, and feel healthier, stronger. Now’s your chance. Says Pritikin alum Linda Stempel, “I look and feel better now, at age 60, than I did at age 30. Pritikin is all about possibilities. It’s all about what you can have in life.”

Disease Prevention Articles

Family Health

Our child obesity epidemic has been described by the U.S. Surgeon General as “the terror within.” Researchers predict that today’s kids may be the first generation in America in which parents outlive their children. The Pritikin Family Program, held every summer, teaches children how to grow into lean, healthy adults. And the entire family learns how fun and doable healthy living can be.

Family Health Articles

Men’s Health

What are you waiting for? Now is the time to get clean. Give yourself optimal protectionagainst a heart attack, stroke, diabetes, prostate cancer, and even impotence. Live a happier, more balanced life. With Pritikin, it’s easy. There’s no calorie counting, no food points, no special foods you have to buy. And once you see and feel the benefits, you’ll kick yourself for not getting started sooner.

Men’s Health Articles

Women’s Health

The first step in managing your health is knowing who your enemy is. The disease many women fear most is cancer, but the disease that kills more U.S. women than any other is heart disease. At Pritikin, you’ll learn how to protect yourself from heart disease and related conditions, including weight gain. And you’ll discover that middle age and the post-menopause years can be a time of getting healthier, not older.

Women’s Health Articles

Healthy Mind-Healthy Body

You’re excited, you’re motivated, you’re seeing results with Pritikin living. Now, how do you stay motivated? Many alumni return regularly for health vacations at Pritikin. Laughs Fil Warihay, age 74 and a size 4, who has vacationed at Pritikin eight times: “I love being the old lady who keeps up with the youngsters.” For developing a lifelong love affair with healthy living, here are several articles.

Healthy Mind-Healthy Body Articles

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Are you taking or considering a medication for weight loss?

By combining the Pritikin Program with Ozempic, Wegovy, or ZepBound, you can safely accelerate weight loss, reduce side effects, preserve lean body mass, and enhance long-term metabolic health for optimal success.