The Ultimate Guide for Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

The Complete Pritikin Program for Lowering Cholesterol With Little Or No Medication.

In more than 100 studies published in prestigious medical journals, the Pritikin Program has been found to promote weight loss and lower bad forms of cholesterol like LDL and non-HDL. It has also been proven to prevent and control many of the world’s leading killers, including diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Levels 23% and 24%

Analyses of 4,587 guests staying at Pritikin for three weeks showed an average 23% drop in total cholesterol and 23% drop in LDL cholesterol, and a 24% reduction in non-HDL. New England Journal of Medicine, 323: 1142, 1990; Archives of Internal Medicine, 151: 1389, 1991.

Lower C-Reactive Protein 45%

In just two weeks, inflammation markers like C-reactive protein plummeted 45% in women at the Pritikin Center. No other diet and exercise program or drug therapy, including statins, has proven to lower C-reactive protein so dramatically or rapidly. Metabolism, 53: 377, 2004.

Enhance Effectiveness of Statin Therapy

Prior to attending Pritikin, 93 people had reduced their cholesterol about 20% on statins. After two weeks at Pritikin, they demonstrated an additional 19% decrease in cholesterol. American Journal of Cardiology, 79: 1112, 1997.

Ultimate Guide for Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

Includes recipes and 5-day meal plan

Scientists worldwide agree that the single most important thing you can do to lower your risk of a heart attack is to lower bad forms of cholesterol like LDL and non-HDL. The safest, most natural way to do so is to dramatically reduce the saturated fat, hydrogenated (trans) fat, and cholesterol in your diet, and instead eat an abundance of natural, whole, high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans.
On an eating plan like the Pritikin Program, which is very low in saturated and hydrogenated fats and very high in cholesterol-lowering, high-fiber fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, people achieve phenomenal cholesterol results.

The results of a cholesterol test can be as confusing as they are important. Learn the difference between LDL and HDL, and how to lower your cholesterol.

You may be surprised how quickly you can improve your cholesterol results. For most people on the Pritikin Program, levels drop dramatically within three weeks.

Doctors often prescribe drugs like statins. Statins have been clearly shown to reduce blood cholesterol but they have no effect on these important factors.

To dramatically lower your LDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels, the doctors and dietitians at the Pritikin Longevity Center recommend these 6 tips.

If you think lowering cholesterol means saying goodbye to good food, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by this meal plan. More good news! You may lose some weight.

You’ve likely heard of the “bad” cholesterol called LDL, but did you know that a better predictor of cardiovascular disease risk is actually proving to be non-HDL cholesterol. What is non-HDL? What’s your non-HDL target? Find out.

Pritikin Wellness Retreat

Improve Your Health at the Pritikin Wellness Retreat

Get Results

Work with a physician-led team of nutritionists, exercise physiologists, psychologists and other health experts.

Culinary Experience that treats food as medicine

culinary experience

Immerse yourself in healthy food and transform your taste buds to support your health goals.

Luxurious Wellness Resort

Resort Facilities

Explore the many ways to enjoy wellness in one luxurious location – the possibilities are endless.

Be wary of news headlines. All too often, they tell you what you want to hear, not what the scientific data says about lowering LDL cholesterol.
Most people think of adjusting their diet if they want to lower cholesterol, but exercise plays a role too. Get the facts about exercise and its effect on your cholesterol profile.
The sample meal plan included in this Ultimate Guide for Lowering Cholesterol Naturally includes lots of healthy, filling meals and snacks that can help you not only weigh less but also feel your very best.
Healthy cooking doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor. Our Ultimate Guide for Lowering Cholesterol Naturally gives you access to hundreds of recipes proven to lower bad cholesterol and satisfy the pickiest taste buds.
You’ve cut butter, cheese and red meat to lower cholesterol, but you may not have made the most important change.
Follow these nutrition guidelines to avoid a heart attack, recommend the physicians at the Pritikin Center.

Ultimate Guide for Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

Additional Resources

At Pritikin, we consider bad cholesterol like LDL and non-HDL Enemy #1, along with its partner in crime, saturated fat. That being the case, we want to make sure you’re well-armed to fight for your health! Knowing your enemy is half the battle, so please click through to learn more about it!
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Are you taking or considering a medication for weight loss?

By combining the Pritikin Program with Ozempic, Wegovy, or ZepBound, you can safely accelerate weight loss, reduce side effects, preserve lean body mass, and enhance long-term metabolic health for optimal success.