Day Seven | Snack Smarter
Want a lean, healthy body? Snack smarter with treats like our homemade Pritikin hummus. A schmear has about one-seventh the calories of butter or mayo.

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- 1 cup hot whole-grain cereal, such as oatmeal, cracked wheat, or barley, made with 1 cup nonfat milk and 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries. (There are many great choices of whole-grain hot cereals; just make sure you buy one with no added sugar or salt.)
- ½ cup of 100% orange juiceor apple juice diluted with ½ cup sparkling or still water
- 1 cup tea or coffee with 1 tablespoon nonfat milk or soymilk and 1 packet of sugar substitute
Midmorning Snack
- 6 whole-wheat low-sodium crackers.Good brand choices include Wasa, Kavli, FINN Crisp, Rye-Crisp, and RyVita.
- ½ cup hummus dip. Snack smarter! Whip up your own delicious and inexpensive hummus dip in a processor with 5 easy ingredients: 2 small garlic cloves, one 15-ounce can no-salt-added garbanzo beans, ¾ teaspoon sesame oil, 2 tablespoons plain nonfat yogurt, and 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice.
- 2 cups mixed salad greens with 2 tablespoons flavored vinegar, no sugar added, no salt added. Good brand choices include Mr. Spice Honey Mustard and Consorzio Raspberry or Mango Vinaigrette.
- 1 grilled portobello mushroom burger on a whole-wheat bun with no-salt-added ketchup, grilled onions, mustard, and ¼ avocado. The less ground hamburger meat and other red meat you eat, the healthier your heart and cholesterol levels will be. Limiting red meat can also dramatically reduce your risk of many cancers, numerous studies have found.
- 1 cup fresh fruit. Like vegetables, fruit is a fabulous food for trimming your waistline. Eat a pound of fruit – yes, a whole pound – and you’ve taken in just 135 to 420 calories. Plus, you’re feeling nice and full! Do be careful about dried fruit; it’s dense with calories – about 1,200 calories per pound.
Midafternoon Snack
- 1 to 2 cups of celery sticks with ¼ cup veggie dip. To make dip, blend steamed vegetables with fat-free sour cream and herbs in a food processor.
- 1 persimmon
- 1 to 2 cups of Tomato Cream Soup. Freeze leftovers in single-serving containers for easy-to-thaw-and-heat-up soup for future meals and snacks.
- Greek-style salad with 1 cup baby romaine lettuce, 1 cup red leaf lettuce, ¼ cup sliced cucumber, 1 sliced Roma tomato, 1/8 ounce nonfat or low-fat feta cheese, and 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice.
- Pan-Roasted Halibut With Baby Vegetables
- 1 cup cooked brown rice seasoned with 1 teaspoon low-sodium soy sauce.
- ½ cup chocolate pudding. A good store-bought brand is sugar-free Jell-O Pudding Cups.