Healthy Restaurants – Top Tips For Dining Out

Tap into our complete 6-part video series on Dining Out Pritikin-Style. Appetizers to Desserts. It’s all here! There are so many yummy, healthy menu items to choose from when you know how.

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Tap into our complete 6-part video series on healthy restaurants and dining out Pritikin-style. Appetizers. Salads. Entrees. Sandwiches. Drinks. Desserts. It’s all here! There are so many yummy, healthy menu items to choose from when you know how.
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Healthy Dining Out Video
Top Tips For Ordering Healthy, Tasty Restaurant Food

Pritikin Nutritionist Tracy Wilczek and host Eugenia Killoran discuss the new Dining Out series of Pritikin videos in a previously recorded live webcast.
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Restaurant Rules
Restaurant Rules

Healthy dining may require a bit of pre-planning. Join Tracy Wilczek for a discussion about how to ensure that dining out doesn’t sabotage your healthy eating plan. Learn how to find truly healthy restaurants.
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Amazing Appetizers
Amazing Appetizers

Some restaurant appetizers can really derail your health and weight-loss goals. Cheese fries, for example, can tally up a whopping 2,400 calories, and that’s without the ranch dressing. (With the dressing, you’re looking at 3,000 calories!) The good news: There are many scrumptious ways to get a healthy, slimming start every time you dine out. You’ll learn how in this video.
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Sensational Salads
Sensational Salads

One of the easiest ways to launch a low-calorie-dense diet and lose weight is by starting your lunches and dinners with a big luscious salad, even when dining out. Find out how by joining Pritikin Nutritionist Tracy Wilczek for a brand new recorded workshop, called Sensational Salads, part of our popular Dining Out series. Watch the Video

Edible Entrees
Edible Entrées

Join Pritikin Nutritionist Tracy Wilczek for the Edible Entrees segment of the Dining Out series where you’ll learn how to think about your meal in a completely different way, and enjoy healthy and delightfully edible entrees!
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Super Sandwiches
Super Sandwiches

For many of us sandwiches are a lunchtime staple. Join Pritikin Nutritionist Tracy Wilczek for some easy tips for turning sandwiches into a healthy option in a brand new recorded workshop, called Super Sandwiches, part of our popular Dining Out series.
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Drinks & Desserts
Drinks & Desserts

This webinar will discuss the realities of why liquid and sweet calories can be so sabotaging, as well as strategies and suggestions on how to alter some of these meal choices!
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