The Pritikin Eating Plan

transform the way you eat

Discover a flexible eating strategy that’s designed for living your best life.

The Pritikin Eating Plan focuses on foods that are scientifically proven to promote health, longevity & hinder disease progression.
This is what you’ve been craving

Personalized Eating Designed for Real-Life

Yes, you can sustain a healthy eating plan …but, only if it’s tasty & tailored for your life.

With built-in flexibility for life events & a philosophy that discourages perfection, guilt or negative mindsets, the Pritikin Eating Plan is not a diet – this is a lifestyle you can sustain forever.

The Pritikin Diet is Personalized Eating Designed for Real-Life
Yes, you can sustain a healthy eating plan …but, only if it’s tasty & tailored for your life.
Enjoy the foods you crave on the Pritikin Diet



What Will You Eat?

With a focus on fresh, whole foods that nourish your body, the Pritikin Eating Plan is designed to balance blood sugar, support weight management & promote heart health – without compromising flavor or satisfaction.

Based on scientific research to optimize your metabolism, your personalized Pritikin Eating Plan will adapt to target your health goals. Nutrient-rich eating plans with all vital nutrients for longevity, including minerals (calcium), vitamins (D, B12), omega-3 fats, fiber & plant-based protein. Life’s better without added salt, sweeteners, refined oils & processed foods.

Never diet again

Discover the most customized, sustainable eating plan.

Follow the healthiest eating plan on earth

A scientifically-backed eating plan that adapts to you.

Over 100 scientific studies show that the methods used in The Pritikin Eating Plan bring results.

Source: Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation

Source: Journal of Applied Physiology

Source: Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Source: Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation

Source: Journal of Applied Physiology

Source: Circulation

A scientifically-backed eating plan that adapts to you.

Over 100 scientific studies show that the methods used in The Pritikin Eating Plan bring real-life results.
Source: Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Source: Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Source: Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Source: Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Source: Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Source: Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation

A Hands-on, Transformative, Healthy Eating Experience

Uncover your unique body’s needs & learn how to fuel yourself to be at your best.

From how to read food labels to cook healthy meals, come discover the skills & techniques you need for success from Pritikin’s renowned interactive programs & workshops.

Gain Food Clarity

Interactive wellness education workshops help you master skills, such as label reading.

Learn To Cook

Sharpen your cooking skills at chef-led demonstrations or at the hands-on Pritikin Cooking School.

Master Real-Life Skills

Develop practical skills for success with expert-led special excursions to supermarkets & more.

Eat With Confidence

Overcome emotional eating & other hurdles with expert strategies during luncheons. For help at home, Pritikin Experts offer remote support through the Stay on Track Program.

“I’m a foodie… my favorite part of the stay, is the food!”
Sanjay Matai
Pritikin Guest

How the Pritikin Program Works

Once you’re nourished, the possibilities are endless.

Better understand your body

When you know where you are, the way to your health goal becomes clear. One-on-one physician consultations & insights from comprehensive blood panels make that possible.

Whatever your goal, your fork can help you get there.

Get results with a Pritikin Eating Plan made for you & your health goals.

No matter where you’re at, your team of Pritikin health experts will work with you & your unique health needs to sculpt a Pritikin Eating Plan that works for your lifestyle & goals.

Weight Loss

With an emphasis on nutrient-rich over calorie-dense foods, you‘ll never go hungry while shedding excess weight.

Level Up

Reach the next level of health with the help of nutritious food that’s easy enough for anyone to make at home.

Health Challenge

With a physician-created eating plan based on the latest scientific research, it’s possible to avoid & control disease.


Nothing inspires more than the joy, energy & digestive wellness that comes from eating nourishing foods – get back to feeling good.

Is Your Health Craving for Attention?

It’s time to live your best life. All the experts & personalized help you need to succeed are right here.

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