Stay Healthy And Beat Diabetes

These numbers are cause for alarm as diabetes represents a number of health problems and can lead to blindness, loss of limbs, and even death. To combat diabetes, people must understand what it is, the different types, and what causes them. This will help people to prevent or better manage their condition, while helping them to stay healthier longer.
What is Diabetes?
- Diabetes – What is Diabetes?: A PDF fact sheet that answers the question of what diabetes is. In addition, it also describes the symptoms and explains type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
- Diabetes Mellitus – What is Diabetes?: A brief explanation of what diabetes is. The section explains what happens with blood glucose levels in normal patients versus patients with diabetes.
Type 1
- JDRF – What is Diabetes?: An article that explains diabetes, but focuses primarily on type 1 diabetes. The article explains what it is, and what scientists believe causes it. Warning signs and who is at greatest risk are also included in the article.
- Type 1 Diabetes: This is an in-depth overview of type 1 diabetes. On this page readers learn what it is and they are given information regarding the cause and risk factors associated with the disease. Symptoms, signs and treatment are also included on the page. The page also reviews whether or not prevention is possible.
Type 2
- Type 2 Diabetes: Read about type 2 diabetes on the website for the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. The page explains what it is, what causes it, and how it can be prevented or delayed. Additional information includes risk factors, symptoms, treatment, and information about pre-diabetes.
- Type 2 Diabetes – Five Quick Tips to Prevent Diabetes: On this page readers will find five tips that may help prevent the onset of diabetes. The tips are presented in numbered format.
- New to Type 2 Diabetes – What Goes Wrong: This article by the Joslin Diabetes Center not only discusses type 2 diabetes, but explains what happens in the body to cause it.
- Topic Overview – Pre-diabetes: The condition known as pre-diabetes is explained, including its causes and symptoms. When reading this web page, people will learn how it is diagnosed and how it is treated.
- What is Pre-Diabetes: Learn when pre-diabetes occurs and what it puts people at risk for.. The page shows an illustration of what fasting blood glucose levels are for people who do not have diabetes, people who have pre-diabetes, and people with diabetes. A second drawing shows the blood glucose levels for people in each category after oral glucose tolerance testing.
Gestational Diabetes
- What is Gestational Diabetes?: The website for the American Diabetes Association explains gestational diabetes. The information on this page also reviews how it affects the baby and includes a video on diabetes during pregnancy.
- Health Information – Gestational Diabetes: The definition, cause and risk factors of gestational diabetes are reviewed on this health information page. The page also discusses the possible complications for the baby, such as difficulty breathing.
Sign and Symptoms
- Diabetes – Symptoms: Clicking on this link will open up the diabetes symptoms page on the Mayo Clinic website. The page includes a list of the symptoms associated with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. On this page readers can also click on links for further information about the disease.
- Diseases and Conditions – Diabetes: On this page readers will find information regarding the symptoms of the disease and signs. The page also includes information about tests, causes, risk factors, treatment and prevention.
- Four Steps to Manage Your Diabetes for Life: This is a PDF booklet that helps people diagnosed with diabetes manage their condition. The booklet includes four steps to follow which are learning about diabetes, learning how to live with diabetes, getting routine care, and knowing the ABCs of the condition.
- Health Watch – Managing Diabetes: A brief overview of what diabetics should do on a daily basis in order to manage their condition. This includes making healthy food choices and exercising regularly in addition to taking medication as prescribed.
- Diabetes Control with Diet and Exercise: The disease process associated with diabetes can be slowed and even partially reversed by controlling blood glucose and other cardiovascular disease risk factors. On this page readers learn the role diet and physical activity play in managing the condition.
Other Information
- The International Diabetes Federation (IDF): This is the website for the IDF, which consists of diabetes associations from more than 160 countries and in excess of 200 associations.
- The American Association of Diabetes Educators: An association that was founded in the early 1970s that is designed to assist health care professionals in the treatment and management of diabetes.