Food Waste Resources

Why Food Waste Is a Problem
Food production requires an enormous amount of resources. As much as 70% of our fresh water and 50% of our land is allocated to agricultural use. Agriculture also has negative effects on the environment, such as the emission of greenhouse gases. Because of this, food waste is directly linked to both wasted resources and unnecessary pollution. Consider this: The amount of greenhouse gases that are produced from the creation of wasted food is equal to the emissions of 33 million cars. In terms of water waste, a single uneaten hamburger is equivalent to a 90-minute shower.
Food Waste Facts and Statistics
To appreciate the importance of food waste reduction, it’s important to understand the scale of the dilemma.
- Approximately 1.3 billion tons of food are lost or wasted each year, about a third of the total amount produced.
- Financially, food loss and waste equates to $990 billion per year.
- Fruits and vegetables have the highest rate of waste: 50 percent.
- Consumers in rich countries waste the same amount of food as the entire net production of sub-Saharan Africa.
- Food waste per capita is far greater in Europe and North America, 15 times more than in countries in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia.
How to Reduce Your Food Waste
Reducing your personal food waste is not a singular activity. Rather, it spans multiple habits and choices, from the grocery store to your dinner table and diet. There are plenty of actions we can take to cut back our food waste during each phase of the food consumption journey.
Eating Out
- The typical American diet has become known for excessive portions. Avoid oversized meals by requesting smaller portions. This helps reduce waste and also limits you from overeating. You can also consider splitting a large dish with a friend or family member.
- Request a takeout box to take home any leftover food. Leftovers often taste just as good the next day.
In the Store
- Carefully plan your shopping list before you go to the store. Write out the meals you will be cooking that week, and buy items accordingly. Check your fridge and pantry to see if you already have some of the items you need before you shop.
- Stick to your shopping list: Only buy what you need. Be mindful about buying in bulk, especially bulk items that have a limited shelf life.
- Avoid going shopping when you are hungry. This often leads to impulsive food purchases.
- If possible, buy the “ugly” fruits and vegetables. They may not look pretty, but they’re fine to eat. Sometimes, the ugly fruits and veggies are even offered at a discounted price.
Avoid the Store:
Pritikin’s own Director of Marketing Communications, Jennifer Weinberg, who is also the Co-Founder and Chair of Sustainable Supperclub provided this tip:
- Sign up for a salvaged produce delivery service, such as Hungry Harvest or Misfits Market, which keeps perfectly edible food from being thrown away. Not only will you be doing good, but chances are you’ll also save money, and you’ll have fresh and healthy food on hand at home to cook instead of reaching for unhealthy options.
At Home
- Make sure the temperature settings on your fridge and freezer are correct. Refrigerators should be set to 40° F or below, and freezers should be set to 0° F.
- Freeze food you don’t plan to eat soon. You can use the USDA’s FoodKeeper app to determine how long food items can be kept in the freezer.
- Create a special area in your refrigerator for food that is nearing its expiration date. Food in that section should be prioritized over other food in the house.
- If you have a surplus, consider donating any extra items to a local food bank. The best foods to donate tend to be packaged goods.
- Understand the date labels on food. “Use by” dates often refer to the time period of optimal quality; the food is not necessarily unsafe after that date has passed. However, if the item is soft, moldy, or odorous, it’s probably time to throw it out.
Composing Food Waste
Some food waste may be unavoidable, but you can turn those scraps into a useful resource by composting. Composing is the process of converting organic material into fertilizer for plants. Adding composted material to soil helps plants grow and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. It also keeps food scraps out of landfills, where they serve no purpose.
To begin composting at home, select a shady, dry spot in your yard to construct a bin or start a pile. Add both brown and green organic material to the compost pile. Brown material includes leaves, branches, and twigs from your yard. Green material includes grass clippings, fruits and vegetables, and coffee grounds. You should maintain an equal ratio between brown and green material. Once you have added the organic material, you can moisten it with water to help facilitate the composting process. When the material becomes dark and rich, it’s ready to be used as fertilizer.
Additional Resources
- Modern Agriculture’s Effect on the Environment
- Agricultural Emissions
- Food Waste Facts and Statistics
- Composting at Home
- Food Serving Sizes Get a Reality Check
- Serving Sizes and Portions
- Food Product Dating
- Find Your Local Food Bank
- Home Composting: A Guide for Home Gardeners
- 14 Ways Consumers Can Reduce Food Waste
- America’s Food Waste Problem Is Bigger Than You Think
- What You Need to Know About Food Waste and Climate Change
- Reducing Food Waste
- Why Do We Throw Away So Much Food?
- Tips to Reduce Food Waste
- Stop Wasting Food
- Waste Prevention at Home
- Guide for Businesses to Reduce Food Waste
- Reducing Wasted Food From Households
- Shelf Life of Food Bank Products
- Food Freezing Guide
- A Consumer Guide to Food Quality and Safe Handling
- Planning Meals
- Menu Planning: Eat Healthier and Spend Less
- Food Storage and Shelf Life
- Shelf Life of Dairy Products
- Cupboard Storage Chart
- Fruit and Vegetable Storage Guide