Norman J. Blum, MD, FACP
Physician and Educator
- MD, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York
- Internal Medicine Residencies: D.C. General Hospital, Washington, D.C., and V.A. Hospital, Coral Gables, Florida.
- Gastroenterology Residencies: V.A. Hospital, Coral Gables, Florida, and University of Miami, Miami, Florida.
- Board Certified, Internal Medicine
- Armed Services: United States Army Hospital, Nuremberg, Germany
- Senior Emeritus Attending, Miami Heart Institute, Miami, Florida
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Miami School of Medicine
At Pritikin, the focus is lifestyle change. My role is counseling patients on how to eat well, exercise, and manage stress. It’s what turns people who want to live a healthier life into people who are.
In 1994, after 30 years in private practice, Dr. Norman Blum joined the medical staff at the Pritikin Longevity Center, “and it was the most rewarding career decision I’ve ever made. At Pritikin I’ve been able to truly help people.”
In private practice, recalls Dr. Blum, “I was never able to spend as much time as I wanted helping people change their lifestyles.” The limited time he had was usually spent on dispensing medication. “Medications are fine, but often all they do is put a band-aid on the problem.”
“At Pritikin, the focus is lifestyle change. My role is counseling patients on how to eat well, exercise, and manage stress. It’s what turns people who want to live a healthier life into people who are.”
Lifestyle Physician
And he performs his role extraordinarily well. His passionate, inspiring style is legendary among men and women worldwide who have come to Pritikin.
Recalls Pritikin alumnus Nelson Stephenson of South Port, Connecticut, “My first visit with Dr. Blum was unlike any visit I’ve ever had with a doctor. Normally, a doctor tells you, ‘You’ve got to do this and this. And if you don’t, I can’t help you.’
Recalls Pritikin alumnus Nelson Stephenson of South Port, Connecticut, “My first visit with Dr. Blum was unlike any visit I’ve ever had with a doctor.”
“By contrast, Dr. Blum and I started out by reviewing all the results of my blood work and treadmill stress test. He basically said, ‘You’re an analytical guy. Here are the facts… And now, let me explain what’s going to happen to you next…’
“Though clear and concise, he said it all with such concern,” remembers Mr. Stephenson. “But what he told me was graphic and grim, and he said, ‘I can assure you that whatever you’re currently doing is not working. And I can assure you that if you continue doing what you’re doing, things will not get better from here. But you can take this opportunity at Pritikin to learn the things you need to know to be successful. It’s not a quick fix. It’s a different approach to eating and life, but we’ll give you all the tools.’
“My meeting with Dr. Blum,” sums up Mr. Stephenson, “was not really a conversation about change. It was a conversation about recognition – and from that recognition came the motivation, like never before, to turn my life around.”
Over the last 20-plus years at the Pritikin Longevity Center, Dr. Blum has helped turned thousands of lives around.
But he’s never been one to rest on his laurels. Another new patient is walking into his office right now. And that patient is the only thing that matters to this master physician/educator/motivator.
“Being a good physician is all about having the time to be a good physician,” he simply and modestly states.
“At Pritikin, I have lots of time with my patients, lots of time to give them what they really need to improve their lifestyles and their health…and I love it.”