Shopping List for Lowering Blood Pressure
“We have many people with hypertension who come to Pritikin,” says Pritikin’s Medical Director Danine Fruge, MD, “and within three days, many have blood pressures that have dropped so low that we need to reduce their medications or take them off their pills altogether. Yes, just three days. That’s how quickly and powerfully our bodies respond to healthy food, exercise, and other lifestyle changes.”

The 50 foods on this Shopping List for Lowering Blood Pressure are great not only for blood pressure but also for shedding excess weight, lowering cholesterol, and more.
Lower Blood Pressure, Shed Fat
Our Shopping List for Lowering Blood Pressure is based on the Pritikin Eating Plan, regarded worldwide as among the healthiest diets on earth. The Pritikin Program of Diet and Exercise has been documented in more than 100 studies in peer-reviewed medical journals to prevent and control many of our nation’s leading killers – heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, metabolic syndrome, and obesity, as well as hypertension.
Scientifically Documented Results
In research conducted by scientists at UCLA on more than 1,100 people with high blood pressure who were at the Pritikin Longevity Center for three weeks, the following results were achieved:
- Systolic blood pressure fell on average 9%.
- Diastolic blood pressure fell 9%.
- Of those taking pills for hypertension, 55% left Pritikin no longer needing these pills, and the majority of the others had their dosages reduced.
While the published research focuses on results after three-week stays, the physicians at the Pritikin Longevity Center point out that for many people, blood pressure starts decreasing much sooner – almost immediately, in fact.
“We have many people with hypertension who come to Pritikin,” says Pritikin’s Medical Director Danine Fruge, MD, “and within three days, many have blood pressures that have dropped so low that we need to reduce their medications or take them off their pills altogether. Yes, just three days. That’s how quickly and powerfully our bodies respond to healthy food, exercise, and other lifestyle changes.”
Shopping List for Lowering Blood Pressure – More Features
Here’s another big plus to our Shopping List for Lowering Blood Pressure. You’ll discover foods that are singled out (with red hearts) for their ability to not only reduce blood pressure but also actively lower cholesterol.
You’ll also discover that what’s good for your blood pressure is also good for your waistline. Losing excess weight is one of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure in the short term.
Our Shopping List for Lowering Blood Pressure also lists the top 10 things to put back on the shelf if you’re trying to:
- Lower blood pressure
- Lower cholesterol
- Lose weight
Live long. Live well. Download our Shopping List for Lowering Blood Pressure now.

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