The Ultimate Guide for Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally
The Complete Pritikin Program for Lowering High Blood Pressure With Little Or No Medication. Get Answers to Common Questions and a 5-Day Meal Plan.
Proven Science Based Results
In more than 100 studies published in prestigious medical journals, the Pritikin Program has been found to not only promote weight loss and lower blood pressure naturally, but also prevent and control many of the world’s other leading killers, including diabetes and stroke.
Research on the Pritikin ProgramNo Longer Needed High Blood Pressure Medication
83%Had Their High Blood Pressure Medication Reduced
17%Among 216 adults who entered the Pritikin Center taking pills for hypertension, 83% left Pritikin free of these pills, and with significant reductions in blood pressure. Most of the remaining 17% had their pill dosages reduced. Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation, 3: 839, 1983. See also Circulation, 106: 2530, 2002.
How Long Does It Take To Lower Blood Pressure?
You may be surprised at how quickly you can reduce your blood pressure. Many guests at the Pritikin health resort wipe out the need for blood pressure pills in as little as 3 days.
How Long Will It Take You?Ultimate Guide for Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is by far the most common form of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. More than 90% of Americans can expect to develop it in their lifetime.
While most Americans with hypertension are treated primarily with drugs, “these drugs do not come close to eliminating all the cardiovascular ills associated with the typical American diet and sedentary lifestyle,” observes Danine Fruge, MD, Medical Director at the Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami. Over the last four decades, the Center has helped thousands worldwide lower blood pressure naturally and significantly reduce many cardiovascular risks.
Side Effects of Medications
There are more worrisome facts about medications, notes Dr. Fruge. Drug treatment frequently has annoying and sometimes dangerous side effects, and never cures the disease. All too often, blood pressure problems grow progressively worse despite the use of medications. That’s deeply troubling because hypertension is a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, and premature death.
Lifestyle-Focused Guide for Lowering Blood Pressure
The heartening news is that most people can effectively control their blood pressure without the need for medications by following a healthy lifestyle like the Pritikin Program. “Those who still need medications usually require a lower dose and/or fewer drugs, thereby reducing their risk of suffering adverse side effects from the medications,” states Dr. Fruge.
“For many years, the Pritikin Program has offered a safer and more effective alternative to pharmacological therapy because the program eliminates the dietary insults and other lifestyle-related factors that caused hypertension to develop in the first place.”

Alternatives To High Blood Pressure Medication
Find out about safe and side-effect-free alternatives to blood pressure drugs. Learn the lifestyle measures that science has discovered are most effective.
Learn About Natural AlternativesDanine Fruge, MD, Medical Director at Pritikin is one of several physicians, all board-certified in fields such as cardiology and endocrinology, provide each guest with the expert medical attention required for achieving major life changes smoothly and successfully.
High Blood Pressure Cures – Diet Is #1
We cannot cure hypertension, per se, but science has found that dietary changes can have enormous benefits in controlling it.
In a landmark American Heart Association scientific statement, the nation’s experts in hypertension research concluded that of all environment factors that affect blood pressure, dietary factors “have a prominent, and likely predominant, role in blood pressure control.”
Why Is Diet So Important?
Pritikin Diet & Eating Plan
We use the latest scientific research to provide dietary guidelines that will help you avoid and often reverse diseases that can rob you of the good health you need to enjoy a good life.
Eat the Healthiest Foods
Meal Plan To Help Lower Blood Pressure
This super-simple meal plan is a great guide for lowering blood pressure. It will give you a bunch of ideas for meals that are healthy, filling, and delish.
Simple Meal Ideas
Learn the Secrets of Healthy Cooking
in the Pritikin Cooking School
Learn to Cook
Salt & High Blood Pressure
Salt is everywhere, and high blood pressure (the result of too much salt in our diets) is an American epidemic. New CDC guidelines (and decades-old Pritikin guidelines) advise that most of us should eat no more than 1,500 mg of sodium a day. We average 3,500 to 5,000 mg daily. Why are we so blasé about the massive doses of salt we’re consuming? How can we change?.
Do You Really Need To Reduce Salt Intake?
Cut 1,000+ Mg of Sodium From Your Daily Diet (And Hardly Notice)
Most of us should be eating no more than 1,500 mg of sodium a day. Americans average, however, about 3,500 mg daily. Get quick and easy tips to reduce sodium intake. Enjoy a healthier (and still delicious) life.
Easy Tips to Cut Down on Salt
I never put salt on anything. Why do I have high blood pressure?
It’s great that you aren’t fast and easy with your salt shaker. Congratulations! But it’s important to realize that about 75% of the salt (sodium-chloride) Americans eat every day does not come from their salt shakers. It’s in your food before it even hits your plate!
Salty Foods You Didn’t Know Were Salty
Are Salt Substitutes Safe?
It’s a common question among our guests at the Pritikin Longevity Center, who are taught how devastating the high-salt U.S. diet is to our blood pressure and overall health. Searching for alternatives, people often ask: What about salt substitutes that contain potassium salt instead of sodium salt? And what about MSG? Isn’t it a bad choice? Here are answers, some of which may surprise you.
Salt Substitutes & MSG
The Dangers of Salt: It’s More Than Just a Blood Pressure Problem
There are many people who think, “I don’t have to worry about my salt intake because my blood pressure is fine.” That’s not true, asserts research. The dangers of salt go well beyond high blood pressure.
The Other Dangers of SaltThe Best Way To Lower High Blood Pressure
A Stay At Pritikin Can Change Your LifeAdditional Resources for Lowering High Blood Pressure
Explore the articles below to learn more about blood pressure control and healthy living, and to start developing your own personal guide to lowering blood pressure. Even better, book a health vacation at Pritikin, recently described by The New York Times as the “granddaddy of health-based wellness spas.” Make a personal investment in what matters most – a longer life, a better life.

Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally – 7 Tips
These 7 tips for lowering high blood pressure are excellent not only for blood pressure control but also for losing excess weight and preventing heart disease.
Get the Tips
FAQs About High Blood Pressure
The physicans and other health experts at Pritikin answer the questions they are most commonly asked about high blood pressure.
Get Answers to Common Questions
Treatment for Resistant Hypertension
Have you been told you have resistant hypertension, and there is little you can do about it? Research has found that there is, in fact, treatment for resistant hypertension. It’s simple, it’s medication-free, and, for many people, the results start happening within one to two weeks.
Treatment for Resistant Hypertension
Do You Have Masked Hypertension?
Essentially, masked hypertension is blood pressure that tends to be normal in the doctor’s office but higher outside the doctor’s office, reaching levels classified as high blood pressure, or hypertension. It truly is the silent killer.
Find Out If You Have Masked HypertensionAre You Ready to Learn More?
Tell us a bit about yourself. We’ll then send you rates and a beautiful 34-page brochure with more information.