Why Quick Weight Loss Approach Doesn’t Work

Why the Quick Weight Loss Approach Doesn’t Work
- Hard to maintain
- Hard on the body
- Weight loss is muscle and water
- Doesn’t establish healthy habits
- Metabolism disruption leads to weight gain
- Insulin resistance does not improve
- More exercise is required as the body adapts
- Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after the Biggest Loser competition. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2016 Aug; 24(8): 1612-1619.
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- From socioeconomic disadvantage to obesity: the mediating role of psychological distress and emotional eating. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2019 Apr; 27(4): 559-564.
- Exercise is medicine. Am J Lifestyle Med 2020 Sep-Oct; 14(5): 511-523.
- Nutrition knowledge moderates the association between perfectionism and shape/weight concerns. Euro J Clin Nutr 2021 Mar; 75:1433-1439.
- Using self-determination theory to promote physical activity and weight control: a randomized controlled trial in women. J Behav Med 2019 Apr;33(2):110-22.