5 Tips For Lowering LDL Without Drugs
Are you striving for better cholesterol levels via diet-and-exercise changes like the Pritikin Program? Many studies published over the last three decades have documented the powerful impact that the Pritikin Program alone (no drugs needed) can have on lipid levels.

The Pritikin Program was found to dramatically reduce other key risk factors for heart disease as well, including triglyceride levels, inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein, high blood pressure, the metabolic syndrome, and high glucose levels.
5 Tips For Lowering LDL Without Drugs
For lipid improvement, particularly LDL lowering, here are 5 key Pritikin Eating Plan guidelines. Consume:
- Plenty of foods every day that are naturally rich in fiber, especially soluble fiber. For excellent choices, think “B, Y, O, B, B.” (Yes, we like to improve upon favorite acronyms!) “B” stands for beans, the most fiber-packed food of all, “Y” for yams, “O” for oats, “B” for barley, and “B” for berries.
- Soy foods such as soy milk, edamame, tofu, and tempeh, up to 3 servings daily.
- Nuts, 1 ounce daily, of raw or dry-roasted unsalted nuts.
- Plant sterols from supplements and enriched foods. Best choice is a supplement such as CholestOff made by Nature Made.
- Psyllium (such as sugar-free Metamucil), 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.