Is a Plant-Based Diet Good for the Planet?

7.0 min read

Is Your Diet Good for the Planet?

What you eat impacts the planet. Food production emits 30% of global greenhouse gases and accounts for 70% of freshwater withdrawals. Some foods are worse for the planet. Are your food choices planet-friendly?

10 Worst Foods for the Planet

All foods can be grown with sustainable methods; however, these foods are common culprits of requiring disproportionately more land and water to be grown and produce more greenhouse gases than other foods:

  • Coffee
  • Palm oil
  • Sugar cane
  • Beef
  • Soybean oil
  • Pork
  • Cheese
  • Lamb
  • Avocados*
  • Bananas**

*Avocados grown in native areas have low carbon footprints, but not in drought-prone areas that require excessive water.
**Exotic fruit shipped long distances can produce a lot of greenhouse gases.

Is a Plant-Based Diet Worst for the Environment?

According to University of Illinois researchers, the worst producers of greenhouse gases are some of the most popular foods, including animal products, bananas, and coffee. High demand for these foods, causes the conversion of tropical land into agricultural land, and long transport distances create emissions. Food production is the largest stress on biodiversity through habitat destruction, threatening over 70% of birds and mammals listed as threatened with extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The United Nations estimates that 14% of greenhouse gases come from global livestock. It requires intensive amounts of land and water to produce animal foods and creates a lot of greenhouse gases.

Is Plant Protein Better for You and the Planet?

We all need protein, but animals aren’t the most efficient way to get it. Plant proteins are better for the environment, producing them requires less land and water, and produces far less carbon dioxide.

Western diets are meat-centric: typical adults eat 64-88 grams of protein per day, of which 37% is animal meat and meat products. That’s far greater than the 45-55 grams per day, recommended in nutritional guidelines.

Can you get enough protein from plants? According to Registered Dieticians, Lon Ben-Asher of the Pritikin Center, “Broccoli has more protein per calorie than any animal protein source you could ever imagine. We overindulge and over-consume protein – which can lead to chronic disease conditions over time.” “Eating a balance of and variety of foods consistent with the Pritikin Eating Plan (vegetables, fruits, unrefined carbohydrates as well as incorporating more than 1 serving per day of the higher plant-based protein sources such as beans, peas, lentils, edamame, tofu, and tempeh), you can get all the protein your body requires,” explains Lon.

What’s the Most Planet-friendly Diet?

Ground breaking research shows what’s good for the planet, is good for you! The worst foods for human health are packaged foods, red meat, and processed meats – these account for 40% of global mortality (heart disease, type II diabetes, stroke, and cancer). These same foods cause the greatest environmental degradation, according to researchers.

Interestingly, the researchers also found that as you shift towards healthier foods (fish, chicken, dairy, and eggs), lower impacts on the planet occur. The best choice for the planet, the foods with the lowest environmental impact, are some of the healthiest foods for humans.

The few exceptions include sugar which has a low environmental impact but is linked to negative health effects; as well as some plants linked to deforestation, such as palm oil. The most planet-friendly diet, includes more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes while reducing how much red meat, sugar, and refined grains, say experts. Eating this way has major health benefits, too!

10 Best Foods for the Planet (and You!)

  • Root vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Onions/Leeks
  • Broccoli/Cauliflower
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Peas
  • Apples
  • Seaweed

A Plant Diet is Heart Healthy

Eating a mostly plant diet is linked with lower rates of heart disease and death, according to the Journal of the American Heart Association. It doesn’t mean you have to give up everything but plants! The researchers looked at the amount of plants in the diet of over 12,000 middle-aged adults. Those who ate more plants had lower risks of heart disease and death. Those sticking mostly to plant-based diets have a 19% lower risk of heart disease.

5 Health Benefits of Eating More Fruits and Vegetables, Backed by Science

  • Less stress
  • Lower risk of heart disease
  • Lower risk of cancer
  • Reduced risk of death
  • Weight loss

Is it Healthier to be a Vegan?

If we all went vegan (a plant-only diet), food-related emissions on the planet would drop to 70%, estimates researchers. However, we’re not suggesting you become a vegan. Instead, make a shift towards a healthier lifestyle that scientific evidence shows is good for you, and the planet too!

How to Start a Planet-Friendly Diet

First, ditch the diets – they don’t work. Pritikin experts know what does work: a sustainable eating plan focused on healthy foods for you and the planet. Renowned for its health benefits (published in over 100 clinical studies), the Pritikin Eating Plan concentrates on many of the best food for the planet.

Experience a healthier lifestyle at a luxurious, tropical, health retreat where leading experts offer interactive seminars, excursions, and programs to help you live your healthiest life.

Come Discover a Way of Eating that’s Good for You and the Planet, too!


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