2018 is the Year to Revamp Your Health and Lifestyle
Instead of making an empty resolution this year, make 2018 the year to revamp your entire lifestyle.

So instead of making an empty resolution this time around, make 2018 the year to revamp your entire lifestyle. Kick off the new year with a fresh start to the new you by booking an all-inclusive wellness retreat at Pritikin Longevity Center.
Whether you’re looking to address weight and health concerns, take preventative measures or simply enjoy an ultimate wellness vacation and spa treatment, Pritikin is the place to start. Surrounded by lush tropics of Miami, swimming pools and golf courses, it’s home to a perfect environment for kick-starting your journey toward the best version of yourself. To make 2018 the best year yet, it’s important to remember these tips for staying true to your healthy lifestyle.
Start Small
When it comes to bettering your overall health, no measure or effort is too small. Simply making the decision to alter your daily lifestyle is a huge step in the right direction. At Pritikin, you’ll be astonished by the way that making small changes to your eating habits can have a huge impact.
Believe it or not, in less than just one week of following the Pritikin diet and eating plan, your palate will be transformed and your taste buds will realize what they’ve been missing out on. Eliminating sugar, oils and butter from your diet will allow your taste buds to truly savor and enjoy the rich flavors of whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and lean protein sources. Before you know it, those first steps of making small changes to your eating habits will develop into a lifelong journey of healthy decisions.
Stay Focused
Amid the shuffle and rush of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of your goals and your plan. Overthinking and looking too far ahead can be daunting. Take your journey one day at a time and focus on the present. Again, small steps will amount to big changes so take the time to focus on your diet meal-by-meal and on your fitness day-by-day. Doing so gives you the power and puts you in control of your situation.
Don’t let overwhelming feelings get in your way. Evaluate and pinpoint your weaknesses in advance so that when they arise, you’ll be prepared to handle them. If you happen to overindulge during lunch, have a back-up plan. Promise yourself that you’ll choose low-calorie-dense items for dinner. At Pritikin, you’ll be supported by a team of dedicated physicians, nutritionists, trainers and lifestyle counselors who will be there for you every step of the way, helping you to stay focused.
Remain Positive
No journey is perfect and the road that leads to optimal health is a life-long one. There will undoubtedly be bumps and hiccups along the way, but the best thing to do is remain positive, pick yourself up and get back on track. In fact, research has shown that there is real power to positive thinking. Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D., currently the Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina, has spent years advancing the science of positive emotions.
“Positivity can nourish success, health and longevity.”
Fredrickson’s research, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, has found that forms of positivity can nourish and lead the way to success, health and longevity. Over time, positive emotions can increase the personal resources that one gains. These gained resources “predicted increased life satisfaction and reduced depressive symptoms,” according to the publication. Channeling your positive emotions during your journey to optimal health can help you succeed.
Above all, it’s important to love and reward yourself. Acknowledge your progress and recognize how far you’ve come by celebrating your successes and achievements, no matter how big or small they may be.