Is it Safe to Fly?

Let’s check in with university researchers and airline experts to discover if it is safe to fly. Traveling by airplane today has been revolutionized by the pandemic: there are increased disinfection practices and safety protocols you’ll want to know about before you book your next getaway to ensure your travel experience is the best it can be.
7 Things You’ll Want to Know Before You Book Your Next Getaway
- Flying May Be Safer than Shopping
Harvard experts suggest safety protocols on airplanes have significantly reduced the risk of transmission for passengers. - Travel is Good for Your Mental Health
Washington State University researchers reported frequent travelers report being happier with their lives than those who don’t travel - Booking Quickly
Travelers are booking quickly as things open up; reserve your next trip early to avoid sold-out destinations. Guests are strongly encouraged to book early to secure their desired travel dates - Travel Requirements Vary
States and countries have different travel requirements; check with CDC for up to date information - Follow Safety Guidelines
Safety procedures while traveling are vital to your health; read and follow all guidelines - Read About New Procedures
Airlines offer helpful tips on how to travel safely and navigate new travel procedures; read up on their websites before traveling to ensure a smooth trip. - Consider a Wellness Vacation
Wellness travel is a growing trend as many Americans are looking to feel better; consider a luxury health destination to rejuvenate.
Experts Report on Whether it is Safe to Fly
Navigating your safety during air travel is important. All activities that involve other humans, during a pandemic, come with some level of risk; yet, experts report that flying is quite a low-risk activity. When researchers looked at the risk of infection on airplanes, they concluded there is an absence of large numbers of confirmed in-flight transmissions. The report, published in the Journal of Travel Medicine, notes in the conclusion that despite this absence of numbers, it is not definitive evidence that there is no transmission on flights. What does reduce the risk of transmission is a layered approach of preventative measures – an approach being used by airlines in the United States. For example, the use of face masks has significantly reduced onboard transmission of the virus, according to a report from a joint investigation by researchers from Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates. Of note, at the time of publication, masks are required to fly in the United States, by federal law.
5 Things You Can Do to Make It Safer to Fly
The actions you take to mitigate your risk while flying are similar to those you’d take going to the grocery story or other daily activities.
- Wear a mask over your mouth and nose
- Stay 6 feet from others, whenever possible
- Avoid crowds
- Wash your hands often
- Use hand sanitizer
Is It Safer to Fly than Shop?
Experts at the Harvard School of Public Health suggest flying can be safer than shopping or eating in a restaurant, as airlines use a layered approach to safety which significantly reduces the risk of coronavirus transmission to travelers. The researchers noted that washing hands frequently, wearing masks, airplane ventilation (filtration, circulating in outside air), and enhanced cleaning procedures were important practices in reducing the risk of transmission amongst airplane travelers. Health experts recommend all eligible people get vaccinated. The benefits of getting vaccinated listed by the Center for Disease Control, include being a safe and effective measure to preventing illness.
What is the Risk of Infection on Airplanes?
Using data from published cases, the International Air Transport Association reported the risk of infection from travel on an airplane is low, with estimates suggesting about a rate of 1 in 27 million airplane travelers were infected in the first half of 2020.
Is it Safe for Me to Fly?
According to the Center for Disease Control, you can travel safely within the United States for those people who are fully vaccinated with an FDA-approved vaccine. It is advised that all travelers follow the CDC’s recommendations for traveling safely including wearing a mask over your mouth and nose, staying 6 feet from others, avoiding crowds, and washing your hands often (or using hand sanitizer).
What are Airlines Doing to Make it Safe to Fly?
Airlines are going to new heights to reduce the risk for travelers. There have been some innovative measures made by airlines to help make it safe to fly, including changes to protocols from inside the airport, such as touchless kiosks for baggage and boarding pass check-in to cabin sanitization (UV cleaning or electrostatic spraying) before every flight, and high-efficiency filters (HEPA) during flight to remove airborne particles. One airline has really put effort into helping passengers feel it is safe to fly; Etihad has also included Wellness Ambassadors to their staff, who share advice on travel wellbeing online.
What Airlines are Doing to Help Make it Safe to Fly?
From new sanitation procedures to filtration systems that remove airborne particles, here is what United States airlines are doing to make flying a travel experience that is cleaner than ever before, reducing potential risk to passengers. Here are the links to the United States airlines, and what they are doing to make it safe to fly:
Where Is It Safe to Travel Too?
When booking your next get away, let your health be the priority. Choose to travel with companies that are committed to your health and safety; book your next getaway at a resort that is dedicated to helping you live a healthy lifestyle!
The Pritikin Center is committed to delivering a lifestyle transformation program that is as safe as possible. It’s time to come to the Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa to revitalize after months of house-bound, slipper-wearing, sluggish lifestyles. If you’ve let your healthy lifestyle go over this past year under the stress of the pandemic, then a trip to Pritikin may be exactly what you need to feel rejuvenated! Don’t miss out, book today!
- In-flight transmission of SARS-CoV-2: a review of the attack rates and available data on the efficacy of face masks. Journal of Travel Medicine 2020 Dec, 27(8).
- Navigating the risks of flying during COVID-19: a review of safe air travel. Journal of Travel Medicine, 2020.
- Would you be more satisfied with your life if you travel more frequently? Tourism Analysis, 2021; 26(1): 57-63.
- Domestic Travel During COVID-19. Center for Disease Control, 2021.