Sleep Deprivation – What To Do

Don’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep for your weight and health. Good sleep is intimately connected to your weight, mood, energy, productiveness, and quality of life. Sleep deprivation leads to many unwanted health problems, including increased difficulty in losing weight. Shedding excess pounds is hard enough.  Not getting enough sleep at night makes it even harder.

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Don’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep for your weight and health.

A good night’s sleep is intimately connected to your weight, mood, energy, productiveness, and quality of life.  Sleep deprivation leads to many unwanted health problems, including increased difficulty in losing weight.  Shedding excess pounds is hard enough.  Not getting enough sleep at night makes it even harder.

Avoid the caffeine-and-sugar-during-the-day and sleeping-pills-and-alcohol-at-night trap.  These habits can rob your body of precious stage IV sleep.  Stage IV sleep helps you feel well-rested and is very important for memory tissue repair, efficiency, satisfaction in life, and even longevity.

Optimally, aim for seven to eight hours a night in a dark, quiet room. (Turn the TV off so your mind can reboot.) Also, consider 10- to 30-minute power naps and/ relaxation exercises such as yoga, chi-gong, and deep breathing to release your daily stress and recharge.

Finally, if you don’t sleep well, consult a sleep specialist, rather than drugs.  Drugs are like a bandaid that doesn’t stop the bleeding. Correct the underlying problem. You will be so glad you did.

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